
Project design and implementation

  • EU 28 (since October 2015): Private Finance for Energy Efficiency (PF4EE) - Expert Support Facility (ESF)
  • DECC, Sub-Saharan Africa (since September 2015): Delivery Partner Reviews for projects in the International Climate Fund (Financial expert).
  • UNEP, Ghana-Bénin (2012-2013): National Climate Finance Institutions Support Programme (NCFISP), funded by the Ministry of Environment of Germany (BMU.)
  • AFD, West Africa (2012-April 2013): Design of a technical assistance programme in support of an AFD credit line targeting EERE projects.
  • CDKN, Kenya (2011-2012): Design of a national climate fund for Kenya
  • AFD, Indonesia (April-May 2011): Advice to AFD on the design of a ‘capacity enhancement programme’ for Bank Mandiri, IFC, 2010: Review of the compliance of a coal-based private sector project in Kazakhstan with WBG policy on coal-fired projects
  • AFD, Global (2010): Development of an MS Excel-based tool to calculate financial parameters of EE projects (IRR, WACC, NPV, etc.) and ascertain their viability and bankability.
  • UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (UNFCCC), Developing countries (2010): Design of a concessional loan scheme to finance CDM project development costs.
  • GIZ, Tunisie (Juillet 2016-ongoing) Financing Tunisia’s INDC with the GCF
  • AfDB, Developing a Pilot reimbursable grant mechanism for the AfDB’s Project Preparation Facility (SEFA); April 2016-ongoing

Feasibility studies and market studies

  • AfDB, Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa (March-July 2016): Market studies on sustainable energy financing facilities
  • BNP PARIBAS, France (2014): Market study on potential market for EE retrofitting of private homes in various EU countries.
  • ENERGY POOL (SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC), Africa (2013): Advice on project funding opportunities.
  • AFD, Indonesia (2012): Promotion of investments in the sustainable forestry sector.
  • AFD, Central Africa (2012): Bank financing of sustainable forest management in the Congo River Basin (‘FinForTrop’ programme)
  • EIB, Lebanon (2011-2012) Market and feasibility study for an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Finance EIB (and AFD) credit line to local banks
  • AFD, South Africa (Mar-Jun 2009): Advice to AFD on the structuring of a €120mln concessional credit line for EE and RE projects to local banks
  • AFD, Turkey (May-Jun 2009): Advice to AFD on the structuring of a €100mln credit line for EE and RE projects to TSKB and TEB banks
  • AFD, China (Sept-Oct 2009): Advice to AFD on the structuring of a second €120M (sovereign-guaranteed) concessional credit line for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE)

Programmes and projects evaluations

  •  PROPARCO, Global – Brazil –Turkey (November 2016-April 2017): Evaluation of 14 green credit lines.
  • FFEM, Cambodia (May-June 2014): Final evaluation of the Nexus for carbon project (in cooperation with Climat Focus BV), which received a FFEM grant of €1.35M.
  • Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (FRANCE), France (2014): Evaluation of the 2011 convention between the French government and CDC on energy efficiency and renewable energy.
  • FFEM, China (May-June 2014): Final evaluation of Rural Carbon Project in China (in cooperation with Climat Focus BV), which received a FFEM grant of €1M.
  • AFD, China (2012-2013): Ex-post evaluation of the first (2008-2009) AFD €60M energy efficiency and renewable energy credit line
  • DFID, Indonesia (July-November 2013): Organisational audit of PIP, the state investment agency of Indonesia, under the DFID-funded Low Carbon Support Programme to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Indonesia.
  • AFD, China (2012-2013): Ex-post evaluation of the first (2008-2009) AFD €60M energy efficiency and renewable energy credit line
  • UNEP, Asia-Africa (2012): Mid-term evaluation of the GEF-funded Seed Capital Assistance Facility (SCAF) co-implemented by UNEP, Asian Development Bank, with participation of African Development Bank and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
  • FFEM, Developing countries (2012): Livelihoods Fund – Review
  •  IDB, Latin American and Caribbean (2011-2012): Comprehensive study of the MIF
  •  FFEM, Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union (2010-2011): Monitoring and evaluation of UNECE’s “Financing Energy Efficiency Investments” project.
  • WORLD BANK (IBRD-IEG) Central and Eastern Europe and Russia (2010): Evaluation of World Bank Group projects financing energy efficiency investments through intermediaries (financial institutions, and ESCOs.)

Supporting policy making and public strategies

  • UNDP, Cambodia (January-June 2016): Study on Private sector response to climate change
  • AfDB, Africa regional (October 2015-February 2016): Regional integration and climate change.
  • INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE INITIATIVE, Tunisia (Dec 2015 –Feb 2016): EE in buildings NAMA; support on financial mechanism of the NAMA
  • FRENCH TREASURY (DGT), Global (June-October 2015): Study on private climate finance in developing countries mobilised by French public climate finance (Team Leader).
  • EXPERTISE FRANCE, Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroun (May-Sept 2015): Preparation of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)
  • DFID, Tanzania (2014): Tanzania Climate Change Roadmap.
  • UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP), Benin (2013): Bénin Climate Finance Readiness Programme
  • FFEM, Developing countries (2012-May 2013): Defining FFEM’s priorities on adaptation to climate change
  • World Bank, Uzbekistan (2012): Energy efficiency strategy for industrial enterprises in Uzbekistan, with Econoler International (Canada).
  • World Bank, Global (2012): Results-Based Financing in the Energy Sector, with Vivid Economics (UK).
  • ORGANIZATION FOR THE SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE (OSCE), Regional (2011): Review on the implementation by the OSCE participating states (56) of their energy efficiency commitments.
  • CAISSE DES DEPOTS ET CONSIGNATIONS, Global (2010-2011): Strategic advice and advice on investments in carbon assets or carbon funds
  • UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (UNIDO), Global (2010): Advice on strategy to mobilise co-financing in connection with GEF projects (UNIDO is a GEF implementing agency)
  • World Bank, Germany (2010): Study on Germany’s energy efficiency policy between 1990 and 2007.
  • UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE (UNECE), Global (2009): Survey of 22 public and private schemes to finance energy efficiency and/or renewable energy projects.