Idrissa Sibailly

Idrissa SibaillyIdrissa SIBAILLY is an economist specializing in energy and environmental economics. He has a particular interest in the development of renewable energy infrastructure in Africa. He collaborated with CES as a consultant on a mission on climate change and regional integration for the African Development Bank.

Idrissa SIBAILLY began his professional career in the academic sphre. He has been an associate researcher at the Industrial Economics Laboratory of INSEE's Center for Research in Economics and Statistics. His research has focused on the analysis and evaluation of public policies in the energy and environment sectors.

In parallel to its research activities, Idrissa SIBAILLY has provided consulting services to operational units of large companies subject to the EU-ETS market, such as EDF, Lafarge, Electrabel, etc. He has also worked in the economic department of the French Competition Authority, where he worked on litigation and advisory matters in various sectors (telecommunications, energy, environment, fashion, health).

Idrissa SIBAILLY holds a doctorate in economics (Ecole Polytechnique), a Master of Applied Mathematics (Pierre et Marie Curie University) and a Master of Philosophy (Panthéon-Sorbonne University).